Thursday, July 7, 2016


I am twenty-three years old. I have not had a boyfriend since I was sixteen. Not that I haven’t wanted one; that’s just how it worked out.

Being single all through college and moving to Africa on my own a year ago has taught me so much about independence. I had a conversation with another single friend a few months ago about the view of “strong, independent women.” Is that attractive to the Godly men we want to date? We’re not damsels in distress – we’ve had to learn how to do many things on our own (including, but not limited to, basic home repairs, jumpstarting cars, and changing tires). But people need to be needed, and they need to feel that they’re needed, especially our husbands.

Even before I moved here, coworkers and acquaintances back home would notice and comment on my “independence.” Sometimes it felt like a compliment, sometimes it would sting a little. I desire a husband, but is that evident in the way I act? In the way I speak? Are guys not attracted to this type of personality?

But here’s the secret – I’m not independent. I am totally dependent on God.

And that’s how I’m able to move halfway across the planet without a man for companionship and physical protection. God’s not going to change my flat tire for me, but He gives me the patience and wisdom to learn. He grants me discernment for what is safe and where to avoid in town. He surrounds me with friends and community to love me and support me, to show me I’m never alone in this life.

My (in)dependence allows me to walk in the confidence that I am loved, valued, strong, beautiful, and important, even without a boyfriend or spouse.

It’s still not easy. I can’t be a father to our girls. I couldn’t get my refrigerator out of its Styrofoam casing. I can barely carry our hefty three-year-old. My Friday nights are usually spent with a book and early bedtime. I get far more proposals and remarks on the street than a woman walking around with her husband at her side.

I desire a husband. But my singleness does not define my value or womanhood. Only the Father can.


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